

Created by Tina Horn

The only place to buy the new graphic novel SfSx: Terms of Service directly from its creator Tina Horn. Signed back issues, limited edition posters and pins, and more! Fulfillment handled by White Squirrel, shipping and handling costs added at checkout. Shipping times may vary based on stock, please be patient with your indie artist friends!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

When will the book be in my hands, you ask?
over 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 07:19:32 PM

Hey everybody! I hope you're staying healthy and warm out there in this weird world. 

I want to give you all an update on how fulfillment is going. 

Skelly and Lotay posters on their way to fulfillment!

Let's start with the good stuff.  We've shipped posters, enamel pins, risographs, and signed copies of Protection from various vendors to our fulfillment provider White Squirrel. I've started doing Zoom hangs with some of you, which has been sooo fun! We're working on making a killer digital zine filled with rare and never before seen content which should be ready for download along with ebooks very soon. 

Now on to the uncertainty part of this story. Let me put it to you this way:

I, Tina Horn, the creator and writer and project manager of SfSx: ToS, have not yet held this book in my corporeal hands!

That's right. The book is in stores in less than a week, and I have not actually seen it in the flesh, as it were. There's a lot of reasons for this. Supply chains, as you probably know, are fucking fucked right now. That means Diamond distribution is backed up and the printers are backed up, while various shipping and postal services are slower than ever. (The team at Image are superstars as always, and we here at SfSx stand in solidarity with the new union Comic Book Workers United.) The end result of this is that your copies of the hot off the presses book you supported will in all likelihood not get to you before it's available in stores.  It's fucking weird, and if there was anything I could do about it, I would. 

As a first time Kickstarter creator (although far from a first time backer of others' projects) I was genuinely surprised. I've learned a lot from this year-long and still ongoing process, including the fact that this isn't situation isn't that uncommon. Still, I do not blame you if you're disappointed. The fact that each and every one of you supported this project with a lens of good will (as my therapist says!) many months before it was even completed IS THE REASON THE BOOK EXISTS. You have my undying gratitude. I would like to think that would mean you'd have the pleasure of reading it before everyone else. But that's just not the way this is going down this time. I sincerely hope that you can emphasize your pride inherent in supporting me and the art team in making this deranged, gross, lusty book a reality.

To make it up to you, I'm going to make it possible for all of you to have access to the e-book starting Wednesday. Some of you analog bbs (like me!) are going to want to wait for the physical copy, but if you just can't wait to find out what happens to the Dirty Mind, you'll be able to without having to throw down more moolah.

So the answer to the question of when you'll get your books and other swag is: soon. I don't know more than that. A whole lot of people are working really hard on making it happen. This DIY punk will not rest until you're all satisfied. 

A lot of you have asked about surveys. It didn't make sense to me to prioritize surveys until now because I knew you would have address changes. I know I sound like a broken record but surveys will be going out shortly!

In the meantime, I hope you'll join me and G Romero-Johnson at our online book launch November 29th through our wonderful hosts at Bluestockings Books! Get a little preview of my relevant musings about sex robots on the Ex Machina episode of one of my face podcasts Progressively Horrified! And stay tuned for news of more SfSx events!

With thanks,

Tina Horn

over 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 02:46:45 AM

BIG NEWS! HUGE! SfSx: Terms of Service is proofed and sent to the printer by Image! 

For a second there I wasn't sure if we were gonna make it under deadline. But we did it! G, Kelly, Steve, Laurenn, and the entire Image production team absolutely rallied. I find proofing sort of soothing in the sense that it's unbelievable pressure, but as you approve each page, you can rest easy knowing nothing got lost or mixed up. And although I can be a control freak (ask anybody!) I am very much of the Brian Eno mindset that it's refreshing and liberating to release your art into the wild. Although I did make Steve add one last F-bomb:

Excerpt of Sylvia and Casey (Art credit: G Romero-Johnson, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Steve Wands)

Here's a preview of Laurenn's outrageous backmatter design, inspired by the book's themes of wetness, cyberspace, mix tapes, and (of course) smut! Speaking of mix tapes, have you all been listening to the playlists?

Preview of book design by Laurenn McCubbin

One last preview. The wrap-around cover by Tula Lotay, with some truly flattering blurbs from some truly heroic folks:

Stay tuned for fulfillment deets and online events that you can all attend! Thanks as always for your support and patience! 



Terms of Service Pub Date! + Bishahk Som sneak peek
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 04:10:22 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

More previews exclusively for KS backers!
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 10:39:29 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

New art previews! Cameos! Progress!
almost 3 years ago – Sun, Jun 06, 2021 at 02:12:46 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.